Hier stellen wir euch in Form von Cases einige Projekte vor, auf die wir besonders stolz sind.

Non Fungible Token
Fungible Token Non
Token Non Fungible
Non Fungible Token
Fungible Token Non
Token Non Fungible
Non Fungible Token
Fungible Token Non
Token Non Fungible
Non Fungible Token
Fungible Token Non
Token Non Fungible


Non Fungible Tokens

Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are a disruptive new technology that open up new opportunities for brands to communicate and monetize. Digital objects and the chronicles of their various owners can be identified at any time by means of ownership and product properties (tokens), which are written unchangeably to a blockchain, where they can be publicly viewed and cryptographically secured. This leads to a valuation of digital goods such as images, animations, gifs, movies and other digital objects: The need for originality and clearly identifiable ownership increases their demand. This results in new product and marketing opportunities, which we help to develop.

  • Harnessing the power of NFT for brands
  • Determining the right applications
  • Development of a sustainable NFT product & content strategy
  • Conception of NFT campaigns
  • Choosing the right blockchain technology
  • Design & technical implementation of NFT Marketplaces
  • Implementation of existing ideas

Areas of application

Non-fungible tokens can connect brands and consumers through a variety of new opportunities. This can be done by co-creating new services and products, verifying limited products, or creating an asset that adds value to the community or creators. In return, the brand can develop services tailored to the community – so both sides benefit.


develops digital versions of the popular Hot Wheels toy cars and sells them through its own Marketplace. The NFTs are animations in which legendary Hot Wheels vehicles are assembled in detail from individual parts. These digital products create a digital monument to classic designers and give inherent value to the design itself, making them particularly interesting to collectors detached from the phyical miniature car.


has already secured a patent for its „Crytpokicks“ in 2019. The idea behind it: Sneaker fans not only buy a shoe, but also receive a unique NFT with a digital image of the sneaker. Nike can thus prove the authenticity of its shoes and offer customers a unique product that will last long beyond the physical product and increase in value over time.

The National Basketball Association

is one of the early adopters in the field of non-fungible tokens. To help fans secure a unique moment from their favorite players, the NBA is offering clips of popular basket shots as NFTs. These can be purchased on a dedicated NFT marketplace, but can also be traded on. The NBA also earns a few percent on each resale.


Während ein NFT-Produkt auf den emotionalen Wert und Ownership abzielt, stellt sich auch für die Marke, die dieses Produkt bereitstellt, die Frage, was der langfristige Nutzen eines NFTs ist: Dazu gehören gestiegenes Vertrauen, das Gefühl der Zielgruppe Teil einer Marke oder eines Produkts werden können, aber eben auch monetäre Erwägungen. Wir bedenken all diese Facetten und integrieren sie in einem NFT, der nicht nur durch die Technologie sondern auch durch Design, Funktionalität und Purpose einzigartig wird.

Die Anwendungen für NFT in und als Kern von Kampagnen sind vielfältig. In fast allen Szenarien ist der Treiber hinter eine NFT-Kampagne eine Steigerung der Markenbindung, welche auf verschiedene Angebote und Mechanismen erreicht werden kann.


Hierzu gehört auch die Expertise für Smart Contracts für Royalties oder andere im NFT „hard coded“ Features, von denen Brands und Sammler profitieren. Der zweite ist die Gestaltung des NFT-Produkts selbst: Bild, Animation, Gif, Meme, Video, VR oder Avatar-Skins. Jedes Format bringt eigene Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen mit sich und muss sich an den Erwartungen und Erfahrungen der Zielgruppen orientieren – bei INTEGR8 steht Ihnen hierfür die volle Kreativität einer Full-Digital-Agentur mit langjähriger Erfahrung und renommierten Kunden zur Verfügung.

Wir entwickeln entsprechende Marketplaces markengerecht und funktional oder sorgen für Sichtbarkeit und eine breite Verteilung Ihrer NFTs auf den zahlreichen Marktplätzen im Internet. Dazu kommt die Auswahl geeigneter Anbieter und die Kuration Ihrer NTFs auf den verschiedenen Plattformen.

Advantages of an own NFT marketplace

You can easily create and trade NFTs for your products within existing marketplaces. However, running your own NFT marketplace offers a whole bunch of unique benefits that you shouldn’t lose sight of:

  1. In your marketplace, you determine which NFTs are traded
  2. You define the look and feel of the marketplace and how it fits into your brand.
  3. You have the power of curation and can check content for authenticity before it is posted
  4. You create an exclusive space and market for your own NTFs
  5. You have more insights into your own fans and your own community

Communication strategy

Communication strategy

Communication can become the eye of the needle when it comes to fringe topics like blockchain and NFTs: We develop suitable NFT usecases based on many years of expertise in digital marketing, trends in the NFT scene and the specific brand content of your brand. On this basis, we develop a communication strategy that addresses your NFT products to the appropriate audiences via the right channels with meaningful content and thus generates the desired attention.
Be one of the early adopters who position themselves on the topic of NFT and communicate its added value to the right target groups in a targeted manner.

Unser Expertenteam erarbeitet ein klar quantifizierbares Ziel, das es im Rahmen von Budget, Zeit und individuellen Kundenanforderungen zu erreichen gilt. Das ermöglicht es uns, Erfolg messbar zu machen und kontinuierlich mit vordefinierten Milestones abzugleichen – transparent und nachvollziehbar.

Dazu gehören das Erstellen und Einstellen von Tokens, das Veranlassen von Auktionen und das Kuratieren und Kontrollieren der NFT-Marktangebote. Weiterhin verwalten wir Ihre existierenden Marketplace-Präsenzen im Sinne Ihrer Brandstrategie mit Blick auf Ihre monetären oder markenbezogenen Ziele.

From NFT strategy development to implementation

From NFT strategy development to implementation

We design, plan, develop, market, evaluate and adapt. Your NFT strategy from one of Germany’s leading digital agencies.

Status recording

At the beginning of the project, we survey the status quo in a comprehensive analysis. In this way, we ensure that our recommendations for action meet the client’s objectives.

Concept & Strategy

The next step is to design the various NFT products and mechanics according to the customer’s specifications and to develop a strategy around the digital product and its distribution.

Development & Management

After defining a strategy together with our clients, we develop the appropriate technical infrastructure and begin with the creative implementation of the NFT product and the associated campaign.


We place the NFT product precisely in the markets and advertise on the channels where your target group feels at home. We manage the product comprehensively and continuously and offer Audiences the best possible brand experience.
